Lore! The Storm of Nohak's Sea

Before the game begins, in a dark storm, the Nohak Forces break free to the land. Lord Venson's dream is becoming reality. He will finally have the Goddess Stones. Fortunately the stones were locked away. The Storm of Nohak's Sea is the beginning event to the game. The storm is the event that spreads the Nohak Warriors throughout the land, transforms Niraking Guards into Skullard Knights, and the capture of many places such as Boil Mountain and Fort Oridace. 

Deep in the vast land of Niraking… an ancient land of myth and legend… There rests upon its heart a sword… The Gallant Sword, the blade of an ancient hero turned to protection against evil… As legend was told… three deities watch the land, unable to touch it… Those deities once roamed the land, giving life and prosperity to it by their touch… however, when a crusade of fourteen found way to the land… battle broke free, the crusade split, half wanted power, half wanted peace… soon the battle left only two knights, good and evil… the good knight’s blade was locked into stone so whenever Niraking’s fate drew near, the Knight of Niraking, the sword’s chosen champion would rise!

Centuries later, the land, now residing in peace and prosperity, only knows of this story as myth… that is such until one stormy night… The grounds broke apart, villages were burned, and strongholds fell… The knight once banished has now returned… Nohak Forces raid the land piece by piece in search of power and revenge… Venson, the Nohak Lord, demanded that the descendants of that ancient hero be killed… Niraking’s fate is certain… however… Shining in a moonlit grove, lies the land’s only hope, the Gallant Sword!

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